
Questions? Contact Sarah Townsend-Handley at 650-988-5073, ext. 151 or email
[email protected]

Empty Bowls: Fundraiser for Homeless Services

Sunday, April 27, 2025

Sundaes on a Sunday

Rengstorff Park, Mountain View

Back by popular demand, CSA hosts our annual Homeless Services fundraiser as an ice cream sundae party in the park for the fourth year in a row. Empty Bowls, traditionally a soup supper, became Sundaes on a Sunday to accommodate an outdoor take on the worldwide phenomena pairing potters to fundraise for organizations serving the homeless. Featuring bottomless ice cream, beautiful bowls, and fun children’s activities, this year’s event takes place on Sunday, April 27th from 2-4pm in Rengstorff Park.

With thanks to Baskin Robbins for the delicious ice cream and OVCAG for the beautiful bowls.

Empty Bowls will be at the BBQ Area of the park on Crisanto Ave. Parking may be limited – consider biking or taking the Mountain View Community Shuttle. Overflow parking is available at the Mountain View Senior Center.

If you have questions, please contact: 650-968-0836

To donate: Drop off gift cards during business hours to 435 San Antonio or contribute to the Holiday Sharing fund here.

Holiday Sharing Program

Target & Safeway Gift Cards,
Hot chocolate and snack bags,
Feminine hygiene products and more!

D E C E M B E R  6 T H ,  2 0 2 4
I N D I V I D U A L S :  9 : 0 0 – 1 2 : 0 0 P M
F A M I L I E S :  1 : 3 0 – 6 : 0 0 P M

4 3 5  S A N  A N T O N I O  R D,
M O U N T A I N  V I E W ,  C A  9 4 0 4 0



Call or email Sarah Townsend-Handley at 650-988-5073, ext. 151 or email
[email protected].

Empty Glasses 2024


2:00 – 5:00 PM
850 Los Trancos Rd.
Portola Valley, CA 94028

The CSA Young Professionals (YP) invite you to the 6th Annual Empty Glasses wine-tasting fundraiser, in partnership with Portola Vineyards. As a staple event of the community since 2019, Empty Glasses welcomes socially-conscious South Bay residents and local civic and non-profit leaders to connect over wine and inspire collective action.
In addition to wine tasting, the event will feature speakers and a silent auction, with items graciously provided by our generous in-kind sponsors.
How to Participate and/or Support:
  • Tickets: Reserve a seat for $45 per ticket (Please note: non-drinkers are welcome but pricing will be the same). Purchase tickets here before they sell out!
  • Online Wine Sales: Want to support CSA but can’t attend? Portola Vineyards will donate 30% of their online wine sale revenue to CSA. Please visit their online store and enter CSA24 at checkout! Wines are available to be shipped to your home, collected during Empty Glasses, or picked up from the winery at a separate time.
  • Donate: If you wish to support CSA but don’t partake in wine, we encourage you to make a donation to CSA. Please be sure to note “YP” in “Name of Tribute” so that your donation is acknowledged under YP’s campaign!

Back to School

Friday, July 26th, 2024

CSA is seeking donations for this year’s Back to School event. Families in need will receive gift cards to buy what they most need so their children can have a successful school year including school supplies, clothes, and shoes. With your support, we can help 700 children start the year on the right foot.

Donate online or drop off Target gift cards in $25 denominations to our temporary office at 435 San Antonio Rd, Mountain View. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sarah Townsend-Handley at [email protected].

Thank you for your support of children in need in our community!

Thank you to our sponsors Lead Partner Star One Credit Union and Premier Partner Dudley-Vehmeyer-Brown Memorial Foundation.


Our Young Professionals (YP) group is geared toward individuals in their 20s, 30s and 40s who want to address the issues of hunger, poverty and homelessness in our community. YP members volunteer at events, plan small fundraisers to support CSA’s work and serve as ambassadors in the community. Click HERE if you are interested in learning more about YP, or send us a message at [email protected].