CSA Legacy Circle

Leave a legacy with CSA. Learn more about our Legacy Circle program.

About the CSA Legacy Circle

CSA Legacy Circle members are those who have named CSA as a beneficiary of their estate. Members receive unique benefits like recognition in CSA's Annual Report and invitations to special events. By remembering CSA in your estate plan, you can help preserve the community safety net for generations to come.

Contact [email protected] to request our Legacy Circle Brochure.

Why Make A Legacy Gift

Community Services Agency (CSA) has been providing vital social services for residents of Mountain View, Los Altos, and Los Altos Hills since 1957. We understand that hardship can come at any time and knows no age limit. We provide a safety net so that independence and self-sufficiency can be restored and maintained.

By remembering CSA in your estate plan, you can help us continue to serve as the community’s safety net for generations to come.

About Making A Legacy Gift

The most popular legacy gifts are bequests in wills or trusts.

You can also name CSA as the beneficiary of your retirement funds or life insurance policy. Legacy gifts create impact for years to come while offering significant tax incentives.

When you notify CSA that you have named us as your beneficiary, you will be included in CSA’s Legacy Circle and receive unique benefits like recognition in our annual report and on our website and invitations to special events.

Please contact your financial advisor or attorney and let them know that you would like to make a bequest to CSA.

“I can’t think of a better way to help ensure the long-term ability of CSA to provide for our community than through including this essential organization in my will.”

– Mike Kasperzak, CSA Legacy Circle Member

CSA Legacy Circle Members Tom and Karen Smith and their family

“CSA does a phenomenal job helping those in need who are often hidden in Mountain View and Los Altos, especially seniors and the homeless. What does homelessness look like? You can’t always know. Volunteering at CSA gave us the opportunity to provide a teachable moment for our daughter about helping people who never in their lives thought they might need it. Naming CSA in our estate assures the continuation of this important work.”

– Mike & Margot Harrigan, CSA Legacy Circle Members

“I don’t want my support of CSA to end when I’m no longer here. So that the work can continue for years to come, I have CSA as a beneficiary of my estate.”

– Dennis Young, CSA Legacy Circle Member

CSA Executive Director Tom Myers (right) and husband Hart Sutanto

“I grew up in this community, left for college, joined the Peace Corps, and then lived abroad and on the East Coast. I always knew I would return to this extraordinary area and for over 20 years, I have served as CSA’s Executive Director. During the dotcom bust of the early 2000s, the Great Recession, and now a pandemic, I have been honored to lead this amazing organization. I have seen time and again the impact of global financial crises on our community and the skill and compassion with which our staff and volunteers respond to help people get back on their feet.

CSA is a very special place. I see first-hand the impact we make; I speak to people who are able to make it because of the assistance they receive from CSA. I want my legacy to be a contribution to ensure our community always has a strong safety net. For that reason, my husband and I have included CSA in our estate plan and I hope you will consider doing so, too.”

– Tom Myers & Hart Sutanto, Legacy Circle Members

Aunt Bette Fund

In 2018, CSA launched the Aunt Bette fund to help seniors live in their homes for as long as possible, funded by a gift from the estate of Elizabeth Ruth Wallace. “We are excited that CSA is the beneficiary of these funds from my aunt’s estate,” says Cheri Ryan, niece. “My aunt was able to live in her Mountain View home until she passed away at the age of 92. It is our wish that other seniors in the community will be able to do the same with this fund.”

Read more about the Aunt Bette Fund to help seniors live independently, made possible by a generous legacy gift from the estate of Elizabeth Ruth Wallace.

Join CSA's Legacy Circle

Find out more:

Contact Sarah Townsend-Handley at (650) 988-5073; ext. 151, or [email protected] to request our Legacy Circle Brochure or with any questions.


Let us know if you have named us in your estate plan. We would love to include you in CSA’s Legacy Circle.

Video Transcript

(Video Start)
karen and i my wife we have
named csa in our state estate plan
as a beneficiary give some serious
thought to
in your own estate plan and your own
will to
make a csa
a beneficiary
it would mean everything and
would allow
the staff to continue the work and fund
so many things that currently can’t be
just because of limited budgets
(Video End)

CSA Legacy Circle Members
Anonymous (10)
Karen Campbell
Karen Fox
Judith Gable and David Bell
Mike and Margot Harrigan
Mike Kasperzak
Arlyne Lambach*
Cathy and Steve Lazarus
Ginny and King Lear
Joan MacDonald
Mary Jo Milks*
Tom Myers and Hart Sutanto
Stanley and Joan Myers
Daniel Rich and Abbie Dorosin
Rey and Andrea Rodriguez
Karen and Tom Smith
Jean Taylor*
Charles Thompson
Elizabeth Ruth Wallace*
Dennis Young
Katie Zoglin

*Remembered forever