Make a Gift of Securities
To make a stock gift, please instruct your
broker to transfer your gift as follows:
Morgan Stanley for the benefit of
CSA, DTC Clearing 0015
CSA, DTC Clearing 0015
Account Number 112-119947
You may also contact CSA’s
representative at Morgan Stanley
representative at Morgan Stanley
Alex Bianchi (650) 328-8080
For audit and acknowledgement purposes, we will need your (or the donor’s) name and address, along with the number of shares and type of stock.
Please contact Sarah Townsend-Handley to provide this information:
(650) 988-5073; ext. 151
Financial planning disclaimer
The discussion herein is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. Prospective donors are urged to consult their personal tax and financial advisors concerning the specific consequences of making gifts to CSA. We would be pleased to discuss, in confidence, ways in which you may support CSA.