Our biggest need is for Volunteer Drivers Monday-Friday and Sunday. If you wish to help out in any of our departments, please contact our volunteer coordinator at (650) 968-0836, extension 108.
CSA Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers Are Urgently Needed!
Each year hundreds of volunteers support Community Services Agency of Mountain View and Los Altos in nearly every program and department. Opportunities range from working in our onsite food pantry, to escorting a homebound senior to important appointments. Volunteering is a great way to get involved in the needs of your own community. We have individual and group opportunities for ages 14 years and older.
Senior Service Companions
Senior Outreach Escorts do one or more of the following:
- Provide escorted transportation to doctor and dental appointments.
- Grocery shop for homebound senior twice a month.
- Be a friendly visitor to homebound frail elderly in the community once a week.
- Tech support for seniors seeking help with technology.
- Must be 21 years old with a valid driver’s license and insurance.
- NEW volunteers: 6 month minimum commitment.
Food And Nutrition Center Assistant
Help sort and shelve donated food, assist clients with their food selection and help with clean-up of food sorting and distribution areas.
Friendly volunteer note: this work can be a bit more physically demanding than other volunteer opportunities!
- Must be 14 years old.
- Volunteer times are Monday – Friday, 3-hour shifts beginning at or around 9:00AM each day. Please contact Maria Ferreira, Volunteer Coordinator at (650) 968-0836, extension 108, for more information.
Food And Nutrition Center Driver
Pick up food donations from local markets in the mornings M-F, and deliver to the Food and Nutrition Center for distribution.
- Must be 21 years old with a valid driver’s license and insurance.
- NEW volunteers: 6 month minimum commitment.
- Volunteer times are Sundays and Monday – Friday mornings.
- Must schedule an appointment with our Volunteer Coordinator.
Volunteer at the Senior Nutrition Program
Help provide hot meals for seniors in Mountain View daily at the Mountain View Senior Center.
Tasks Include: Provide assistance to CSA staff with light food preparation or welcome seniors dining in, and assist with registration.
Hours: Vary from 9:00AM – 1:00PM, Monday-Friday.
- 3 months commitment due to training.
CSA Young Professionals
Our Young Professionals (YP) group is geared toward individuals in their 20s, 30s and 40s who want to address the issues of hunger, poverty and homelessness in our community. YP members volunteer at events, plan small fundraisers to support CSA’s work and serve as ambassadors in the community.
For more information, please see our Young Professionals page.
Volunteer Receptionist
Answer phone calls, meet and greet clients, volunteers, guests, and donors who visit CSA, and other minor clerical duties.
Front desk volunteer opportunity M-F, 9AM – 12PM or 1:30PM – 4PM.
- Must be 18 years or older
- 3-month commitment due to client confidentiality and training
- Background check
Group Opportunities
Please check back with us after the pandemic ends to sign up for the following group activities:
- Wash our vans! We need help keeping them clean. (Group Size: 5 people)
- Clean our walk-in refrigerators. (Group Size: 5 people)
- Crate cleaning! It may not be glamorous, but these do need to be cleaned once a month. (Group Size: 5-10 people)
- Arrange an ice cream social for the senior lunch program.
- Mobile Pantry service on Wednesdays (Group size: 5 people)
Educate our community’s most vulnerable populations about CSA’s Programs & Services through:
- Tabling Outreach Events
- Canvassing Homes & Businesses
- Presentations on Services
- 16 years of age or older
- Flexible Volunteer Hours
- Background check
Please contact Naomy Valdiosera for more information.
Application Materials
Please Contact Volunteer Coordinator, Maria Ferreira at [email protected] for a Volunteer Application Packet or more information.