Treat Yourself, CSA’s first ever self-care event for our unhoused clients this past Saturday, was a big success, drawing over 40 clients for a day of activities, refreshments and distribution of personal care items. Special thanks to volunteers from 23andMe and The Reclamation Project who helped throughout the morning and afternoon.
The idea for the event is the brainchild of Janice Bonello, Case Manager, Homeless Prevention Services, who also developed CSA’s weekly unhoused support group. The latter offers participants the opportunity to share resources, stabilize their mental health and support one another in their arduous quest to find and keep permanent housing.
“Few of us can comprehend what being homeless is like,” says Bonello. “The homeless population is on survival mode 24/7. It’s exhausting having to spend your day searching for a safe place to sleep and food to eat, not to mention that they often have serious health issues and other challenges too. The goal of the Treat Yourself event is to give clients a break from these harsh realities so they can reenergize and move forward on their journey toward self-reliance.”