Tom Myers is the executive director of Community Services Agency.
While these are incredibly trying times for all of us, I am blown away by the generosity and spirit of our community, the heroics of our staff and volunteers and the breathtaking intensity of sudden need among the most vulnerable residents of our community. I want to update you on how this ever-evolving situation has affected CSA, as well as critical client needs.
By Tom Myers, Executive Director Here in California, we are seeing the biggest period of extreme change since the Gold Rush, and it is every bit as intense and harried as that period in time. In Mountain View alone, we are seeing the largest exodus of low-income people in our city’s history. Because of this,…
As part of the roll-out of our new Strategic Plan, CSA is streamlining the way we help people who are currently unhoused or in danger of becoming so.To this end, we recently merged our Emergency Assistance and Homeless Services Program into one department – Homeless Prevention Services (HPS) – to allow case managers to spend more…