Since the pandemic began in mid-March, CSA has had to pivot agency operations to meet increasing community need. Overall, we have seen a 76% increase in the number of households served compared to the same period last year. That translates into over 1,000 new households who have signed up for services including groceries, rental assistance and more.
Rental Assistance: Our staff has been hard at work processing rental assistance applications. We have helped over 900 households with one month of COVID-related rental relief since April, and over half of those households have also received assistance with a second month’s rent. To date, $1.6 million in city of Mountain View funds have been spent on this program, along with over $850,000 of funding from other community sources.
Another area where CSA has had to totally switch up operations is our food distributions. Our Senior Nutrition program has gone from sit-down lunches every weekday to drive-through distributions in the Senior Center parking lot. Even so, many seniors continue to rely on this program to meet their nutritional needs – we are serving around 175 seniors every single weekday. Similarly, our onsite Food & Nutrition Center has moved to parking lot distributions where we have distributed nearly 12,000 bags of food since the beginning of the crisis. An additional 1,000+ bags of food have been delivered to vulnerable seniors in the community.
We greatly appreciate the donors who have helped to keep our community members in their homes and food in their kitchens during these difficult times.
Greetings, CSA “essential staff”!
We are so glad that you have been able to help so many of our community members with rental assistance….that is so vital.
Truly, you are doing a great job to lift up those most in need.
Keep up the “good work”….
Virtual hugs,
Gisela and Doug Daetz